Sunday, January 18, 2009


Also, these are all my friends at christmas holding the presents from our gift exchange. top row: sarah, siobhan, yours truly, rick, mihnea, travis. middle row: jonathan, joel, liz, curtis. bottom row: christy, mike.


JPolsenberg said...

Betsy! The blog! It is ammmmaaaazing. Well done! I have been asking you all these inane questions via email, and your wonderful blog has all of the answers and then some. I will tune in way more often! Sheesh. I am a techno-failure. Funnily enough, I have to create a blog for class...I will need pointers.

When are you coming home for a break?? Miss you! You sound wonderful!

furious said...

you're the tannest in the picture. spf 50 will be arriving soon.
(ps, i don't know how to change my posting name)

lmcdon03 said...

Ummm... hi...
So I came across your blog while searching for info about Palau - I will be moving there (from snowy Edmonton, Alberta) for a two year stint with the Bureau of Public Health at the end of March. My Palauan colleagues are currently scoping out living arrangements for me - do you have any recommendations for area? My allowance is 700/month. Do the places there tend to include utilities - Is it hit or miss? Are there particular areas I should try to stay away from?
What about internet connection - im guessing high speed probably isn't available at home - is dial up any good? Can you get unlimited availability etc?
So many questions so little space to type them!
Anyway.. I would love to chat with you if you are willing. My email is
